Weekly News (01/02/2016)

Sunday, February 07, 2016

The Independent, a paper with a slight left-wing political alignment, recently reported that Donald Trump would bring back water boarding and "a hell of a lot worse":

Donald Trump says he would bring back water-boarding and 'a hell of a lot worse'

As a right wing politician, it is likely that Trump would be demonized by The Independent and this is apparent in the way that they expose what he has said, whereas a right wing paper or one that supported Trump might try to cover up what he has said or spin it positively. The article describes some of the things that Trump said during a television campaign with other presedential candidates.

Regardless of centering the story around Trump's controversial views, the article was written objectively, structured with facts and statistics and avoiding emotive language which would help to sensationalise the story.

I think that Trump's threat of "a hell of a lot worse" shows his dangerous personality as he is not justifying his actions and plans but rather instilling fear.

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