Weekly News (26/09/2016)

Sunday, October 02, 2016

This week the BBC released a story regarding the release of the iPhone 7 and how a small number of Chinese employees are threatening to terminate their employee's contracts should they be found with the possession of an iPhone 7, claiming that it is on patriotic grounds. This policy coincides with commemoration of the 85th anniversary of Japanese troops invading north east China in 1931. A company notice read: "September 18th is a historic day. Don't forget the national humiliation and let's boycott foreign products." BBC take a factual response to the story, as a news distributor funded by the public, and therefore have not included personal opinion of the company or writer.

This is relevant in highlighting cultural differences and the divide between Eastern and Western societies.


IBTimes (International Business Times) writes that the letter notifying employees of the rule has been a subject of public debate in Chinese state media after an image of it was leaked onto social media and details the content of the letter. The IBTimes also writes that "some people have applauded the company for its tough stance on foreign products and its patriotic views" whereas others have pointed out that it is a "violation of the country's labour laws".

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  1. Your article was a very interesting read because it discussed the current issue taking place in China concerning the apple employes and the new iphone 7. You clearly stated the two standpoints delivered by the IBTimes.

    You also made use of visual evidence and stated the source of your article. Well done :)

