Weekly News (09/10/2015)

Sunday, November 15, 2015

With the recent attacks in Paris, there has been a considerable amount of news coverage. I am focusing on the live news coverage of the attacks and related events by The Telegraph, the centre-right tabloid.

Providing up to date facts and statistics and personal anecdotes from those involved within the attacks, The Telegraph also uses traditional conventions of a tabloid such as titles that use a range of exaggerated language and hyperbole; creating a feeling of sensationalism.

For example, the use of shocking headlines draw in the reader - "Death toll now 132" and "'We hid in the cellar'" - which suggests that the purpose of tabloids is more to entertain and engage with an audience rather than inform one. However, the fact that The Telegraph are offering a live stream to events suggests that they do wish to also inform an audience.

It is interesting to note that The Telegraph has not acknowledged other terrorist attacks in other countries, such as in Lebanon, in the same way - with a constant live stream of events. This suggests an awareness of their audience and in pleasing a Western audience, providing context to the distributor and to the story.

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  1. Like how you covered one of the main headlines going around at the moment but from a different approach. you gave your opinion on why the story was included and the purpose it was trying to achieve. however you could have included the way in which the story was represented to please a western audience

