Weekly News (27/02/2017)

Monday, March 06, 2017

This week, The Mirror reported that "Phillip Schofield downs TEN shots in a row and collapses after being challenged to a drinking game" and, more than anything else regarding the article, I found the headline most interesting. The use of sensationalism in the capitalisation of the word "ten" and in the verbs such as "collapses", which connote danger and suggest that Phillip Schofield was taken ill after the drinking game, are used to attract the audience and, in this case, I believe sell a story that isn't really a story at all.

Further in the article, it is revealed that Phillip did not in fact collapse but instead he "pretends to collapse". Likewise, I don't believe there is a story in this article at all that is newsworthy because if we were to strip the celebrity status from Phillip Schofield, the article would simply consist of "Man drinks ten shots", in which case most people would make news.

There is representation of age within the article, also, as Phillip is 54 and the article highlights comments criticising him for participating in the drinking game:

"Not something to be proud of at his age should be setting a good example"

This sets restrictions on people over a certain age and suggests that the older generation should not be able to participate in things that the younger generation do.

This is in contrast to the general opinion of Phillip Schofield, who has recently been represented positively amongst the younger generation. For example, recently his Snapchats have gone viral online amongst teenagers who are sharing them, also hailing him as "the saviour of 2016".

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