Weekly News (18/04/2016)
Monday, April 25, 2016
Following the recent news of Prince's death, Inquistr - a news and media website that publishes both original articles and trending news - posted an article rivalling Prince and Michael Jackson. I thought that this effectively highlighted the sometimes crude manner in which the media treats deaths and likewise the way that the media creates tension between celebrities, often in the entertainment industry, even post death.
For example, it is not unlikely to open a tabloid or visit an Internet news website and see an article that competes various celebrities against each other, whether it be by the clothes that they wear or by the size of their fan bases, for example. More often than not, this occurs with female celebrities.
My main point is that, just three days after the death of Prince, the media is already pitting him against other celebrities, showing a level of disrespect. Within the same article, it discussed speculation concerning reasons for his death, even mentioning other aspects of his personal life such as his religion. I think that this highlights the media's obsession with big named personnel and their desire to jump on a bandwagon and attract viewers than to offer a person and their family respect and privacy after their death.